ryu: От: lerato majikfaerie <elamajikfaerie@yahoo.com.au> Sender: thaicaravan@yahoogroups.com Тема: [thaicaravan] Vision Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 13:30:53 +1100 (EST) Greetings family, On the 22nd of January 2007, the World Rainbow Vision Council consensed that the Seventh World Rainbow Gathering will be in CHINA. Gathering to begin on 6th May 2008, the day following new moon 5th May. Full Moon celebration on May Full Moon, gathering until the 6th of June 2008. Seed Camp to begin on 6th April 2008. Scouts are called to meet in Dali, Yunan for scout meeting: 29th April - 2 May 2007, In preperation for the first Chinese National Rainbow Gathering around the Blue Moon of June 2007. From the June China Rainbow Gathering there will be a caravan travelling to the first Mongolian rainbow gathering, Centred on the Full Moon of July, from 14th July till 12 August. Family are called to continue the caravan to Altai to scout for a Russian Rainbow Gathering in Altai, around the total Solar Eclipse on 1st August 2008 (occurring directly after the World Gathering in China, with a further caravan repeating the journey from China to Altai through Mongolia). A further (something rather) consensus was reached for an Intergalactic Rainbow Gathering (because we are not alone) to be held in Mexico from New Moon 9 November 2007 till new Moon 9 December 2007, with peak around Full Moon 24 November. WELCOME HOME FAMILY!

Ответов - 1 новых

ryu: NOVOSTI O MIROVOY RADUGE 2008 (KITAY-(KARAVAN: MONGOLIYA-ROSSIYA (ALTAY)) (POKA NEYASNO TOCHNO, CHTO PROIZOSHLO, MOJET, ETO PROVOKATSIYA DLYA SRYVA RADUGI, NO POHOJE, CHTO NELADNO TAM). YA RESHIL PEREVESTI' VES' TEKST, T.K. PODNIMAYUTSYA SERYOZNIE PROBLEMY RADUGI VOOBSHE I KONKRETNO MIROVOY 2008 V KITAE. LICHNO YA DUMAYU,CHTO KONFLIKT SPROVOTSIRIVAN KITAYSKIMI VLASTYAMI (ETO NA NIH POHOJE: VSPOMNITE TYAN'-AN' MEN', K TOMU JE V 2008 BUDET MIROVAYA LETNYAYA OLIMPIADA V KITAE, VOT ONI I PERESTRAHOVYVAYUTSYA, ZACHEM IM NEPONYATNIE VOLOSATIE SO VSEGO MIRA POD BOKOM? ESHYO UCHUDYAT CHEGO, KAK ANTIGLOBALISTY, PLYUS NARKOTIKI, S ETIM V KITAE STROGO). A VOOBSHE GOPOVATOE ZAYAVLENIE, DAJE HUJE TOGO, HAMSKOE. ILI KAKIE-TO TSIVILY NATRAVILI KITAYSKUYU POLITSIYU NA RADUGU. LUCK PEREVOD OTVETA KAKOGO-TO ANONIMA NA RAZMESHENIE INFO O RADUGE V LJ: "MIROVAYA RADUGA": http://community.livejournal.com/world_rainbow/438.html (Anonymous) 2007-07-02 09:56 am UTC SOJALEYU, VSE SOBRANIYA V DALI OTMENENY, SEMYA SOGNANA S TOY STORONY GORY KITAYSKOY POLITSIEY, I MESTNIE NAS NENAVISYAT. ESLI VY NE VERITE, POCHITAYTE ETO: Subject: Rainbow gathering Sun Jun 24, 2007 4:03 am (PST) LYUDI RADUGI, SLUSHAYTE: YA GOVORYU OT IMENI VSEH JITELEY I POLOVINY BIZNESMENOV DALI. MY NE HOTIM SOBRANIYA RADUGI V DALI. POCHEMU? VOT PRICHINY: (1) NET HIPPY. POCHEMU NET? VY SAMI SEBYA SPROSITE OB ETOM. VY UJE ZNAETE, CHTO NEKOTORIE LYUDI, KOTORIE JIVUT TUT, UJE SIL'NO PROTIV VAS. MY NE HOTIM VAS. DRUGIMI SLOVAMI, ZARUBITE SEBE NA NOSU I OTYE...S'. (2) RADUGA ETO KUL'T. POPROBUYTE DOKAZAT' OBRATNOE. (3) MESTNIY BIZNES NEDOVOLEN VAMI, T.K. VY NE TRATITE DENEG TUT. (4) RADUJNOE SOBRANIE UGROJAET NASHEMU OBRAZU JIZNI, POSTOYANNYM JITELYAM, T.K., "CHYORT POBERI", PROSTO POSMOTRITE NA SEBYA. VY SPOSOBSTVUETE POTERE DOBROGO IMENI INOSTRANTSEV, DRUGIMI SLOVAMI, "OTYE..S'". (5) MNOGIE MOLODIE KITAYTSY HOTYAT ODNAJDY SHVATIT' ODNOGO IZ VAS I VYBIT' EMU ZUBY. NE GOVORITE, CHTO VAS NE PREDUPREJDALI. ETO BUDET I SLUCHAYNO (PR. PEREVODCHIKA: VIDIMO HOTELI SKAZAT': "CHASTO", POHOJE PISAL KITAETS, T.K. NE SOVSEM VLADEET ANGLIYSKIM, HOTYA DO ETOGO VSYO BYLO PRAVIL'NO, MOJET, KTO-TO IZ KITAYTSEV PODREDAKTIROVAL TEKST ANGLOYAZYCHNOGO CHELA). VER'TE MNE.UEZJAYTE. (PR. PEREVODCHIKA: KRUPNYM SHRIFTOM): "MAT' VASHU", ETO NE SHUTKA. MY NE HOTIM GRYAZNYH RADUJNYH HIPPY V DALI. VOZVRASHAYTES' V TAILAND, V INDIYU, KUDA UGODNO, PROSTO, OTYE..S'. ZABERITE VASHI DREDY, VASHIH SOBAK I VASHI NARKOTIKI, I OTPISYVAYTES' (PR. PEREVODCHIKA: OT SLOVA "pIsat'", IGRA SLOV: PEACE ("MIR")- PISS ("pIsat'")) OTSYUDA, T.K. MY NE HOTIM VAS TUT. VASHE PRISUTSTVIE - OCHEN' PLOHO DLYA VSEH DRUGIH INOSTRANTSEV, KOTORIE HOTYAT IMET' TUT HOROSHUYU JIZN'. VY TAKJE PROE...VAETE ETO DRUGIM, PRODVIGAYA POTREBLENIE NARKOTIKOV TUT. DVIGAYTE V KAKOE-NIBUD' DRUGOE MESTO, GDE VY TAKJE PROE..TE OKRUJAYUSHUYU PRIRODU, PODORVYOTE HOROSHIE OTNOSHENIYA MEJDU INOSTRANTSAMI I MESTNYMI, I T.D. NACHNITE JIT', NAYDITE RABOTU. OTREJTE VASHI VOLOSY. PUSTITE KORNI. PERESTAN'TE PARAZITIROVAT' NA DRUGIH. PERSTAN'TE UTVERJDAT', CHTO VY DETI ZEMLI, I HOTITE CHISTOY EDY, V TO VREMYA KAK POLOVINA IZ VAS KURIT. PERESTAN'TE GOVORIT', CHTO VY SEMYA, POKA VY NEFUNKTSIONAL'NY. PERESTAN'TE DUMAT', CHTO VY PRAVY I PROSVETLYONNY, A DRUGIE -- ZLO, PLOHI, TUPY I T.D. PERESTAN'TE DUMAT' O VESHAH, KOTORIE VY MOJETE VZYAT' V ODNOM MESTE I PRODAT' V DRUGOM, ETO LI NE TAKJE PLOHO, KAK I DELAYUT TE JE KORPORATSII? VOZVRASHAYTE' K VASHIM RODITELYAM IZ SREDNEGO KLASSA I PRIMIRITES' S NIMI. PERESTAN'TE EKSPLUATIROVAT' DRUGIE KUL'TURY, HVATAYA DIDJERIDU TUT, A ULOVITEL' SNOV -- TAM, I PERSTAN'TE POKUPAT' V DUHOVNOM SUPERMARKETE. VY NE IZBRANNIE. VY PROSTO BEZNADYOJNIE NIKCHOMNIE BRODYAGI. PERELOMITE ETO. VZROSLEYTE. RASTITE. POYMITE, NASKOL'KO NAIVNY VY BYLI. NE VOZVRASHAYTES' SYUDA. NIKOGDA. RASKAJITE, KAK PLOHO VAM BYLO. KAK POLITSIYA SORVALA VASHE "DRAGOTSENNOE" SOBRANIE. KAK JESTOKA ONA TUT V KITAE. POSHLITE SOS VASHIMI BARABANAMI (TOCHNO NE SDELANY IZ JIVOTNYH?), SDELAYTE DYMOVIE SIGNALI VASHIMI GANJA-TRUBKAMI. SKAJITE IM, KAK VY PROE...S'. KAK NE SLEDOVALO VAM BYT' NA ETOY GORE. CHTO ORGANIZATORY NE SOBRALI SVOYO DER'MO VMESTE. CHTO TOL'KO NEKOTORIE LYUDI UEHALI, T.K. ONI (PR. PEREVODCHIKA: ORGANIZATORY) NE MOGUT DAJE ORGANIZOVAT' DAJE pIsanie V PIVNOY (PR. PEREVODCHIKA: POGOVORKA). CHTO SEYCHAS IZ-ZA VASHIH DEYSTVIY DRUGIE INOSTRANTSY NE MOGUT NICHEGO DELAT' BEZ PODOZRENIY KITAYTSEV. CHTO VY ZAMUSORILI KRASIVOE SVYASHENNOE MESTO V ETIH GORAH. CHTO NA ETOY GORE VSYO ESHYO SHRAM OT VASHEGO PRISUTSTVIYA. KAK MESTNIE OTMECHAYUT ETO MESTO, POTOMU CHTO VY DAJE NE SGLADILI OTNOSHENIYA S NIMI. POCHEMU ETO PIS'MO ZADEVAET VAS? PROMAHIVALIS' LI VY TAK KOGDA-LIBO? NIKTO VAS NE HOCHET. ZABERITE VASIH DOKTOROV SVYASHENNOY TEOLOGII, VASHI TRAVYANIE CHAI, VASHI KOZLINIE BORODKI, VASHI KONOPLYANIE FUTBOLKI, VASHI BLAGOVONIYA IZ PACHULI I SANDALA I OTYE...S'. PREJDE CHEM VY NE PRICHINILI BOL'SHIH BED. VAS SYUDA PRIGLASHALI? NET. DRUGIE INOSTRANTSY HOTYAT VAS ZDES'? NET. SPASIBO ZA VSE PAKOSTI. OT VSEH LYUDEY, PYTAYUSHIHSYA OTLICHAT': OTYE...S'. MY PROKLINAEM VAS ZA VSYO, CHTO VY SDELALI ZDES'. PUST' VASHE VONYUCHEE PRISUTSTVIE I KONFLIKT BUDET SMYT DOJDYAMI. sorry, all gatherings in Dali got cancelled, the family got taken off the site on the mountain by China police and the local people hate us. If you dont believe read this: Subject: Rainbow gathering Sun Jun 24, 2007 4:03 am (PST) Rainbow hippies, listen up. I'm speaking on behalf of the long term residents and more than half of the businesses in Dali. We do NOT want a rainbow gathering in Dali. Why? Here are the reasons: (1) No hippies. why not? You do have to ask yourself that question. You already know that some people who live here are already openly hostile towards you. We do not want you here. In other words, get it into your head and fuck off already. (2) Rainbow is a cult. Try to proof it's not. (3) The local businesses are not happy with you as you don't spend money here. (4) The rainbow gathering is jeopardizing our lifestyle here as long term residents, because, fuck man, just look at yourselves. You give foreigners here a bad name, so in other words, fuck off. (5) A lot of the young Chinese are waiting to get hold of one of you and shit kick your teeth in one day. Don't say that you never been warned. It'll come and it'll be random. Trust me on that one. So leave. This is not a fucking joke. WE DO NOT WANT DIRTY RAINBOW HIPPIES IN DALI. GO BACK TO THAILAND. GO TO INDIA, wherever, JUST FUCK OFF. Take your dreads, your dogs and your drugs and piss off because we don't want you here. Your presence is bad for every other foreigner who is trying to have a good life here. You also fuck it up for others by promoting drug taking So move on to some other place where you too can fuck up the environment, undermine the good relations of foreigners and locals, etc. Get a life, get a job. Cut your hair. Settle down. Put down roots. Stop sponging off others. Stop claiming you are children of the earth and want pure organic food when half of you smoke. Stop saying you are a family when you behave disfunctionally. Stop thinking you are right and enlightened and others are evil, bad, dumb, etc. Stop thinking of things you can buy to take to other places to sell - isn't this just as bad as those corporations. Go back to your middle-class parents and make peace with them. Stop exploiting other cultures, taking a digeridoo there and a dream catcher there, and stop shopping at the spiritual supermarket. You are not the choosen ones. You are just hopeless drifters. Get over it. Mature. Grow. Realise how naive you were. Don't come back here. Ever. Tell everyone what a bad time you had. How the police broke up your precious gathering. How oppresive it is in China. Send out an SOS with your drums (surely not made from animals?) Make smoke signals with your ganga pipes. Tell them how you fucked up. How you shouldn't have been on the mountain. That the organisers hadn't really got their shit together. That only a few people went because they couldn't organise a pissup in a brewery. That now because of your actions it will not be possible for other foreigners to do anything without suspicion. That you trashed a beautiful sacred place in the mountains. That there are still scars on the mountain from your presence. How the local people took down the markers to the place because you hadn't even smoothed the way with them. Why does this email touch a raw nerve with you? Have you ever been so lost? No one wants you. Take your STDs, your herbal teas, take your goatees, take your hemp t-shirts, take your patchouli and sandalwood incence and FUCK OFF. Before you do any more damage. Did the people here invite you? No. Did other foreigners want you here? No. Thanks for all the damage. From all the people trying to make a difference - fuck off. We curse you for what you have done to this place. May your odorous presence and impact be washed away by the rains.

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